PragerU is the most influential media organization in the world that promotes the American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness through free educational content for all ages. There are many tax-savvy ways to support PragerU, allowing you to make an even greater impact. PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Tax ID: 27-1763901.
70% of minds are changed on at least one topic after watching.
30 million unique viewers watch our videos on YouTube every quarter (about 10% of the entire United States).
60% of YouTube viewers are under age 35.
55% of viewers say their civic actions were influenced by PragerU videos.
1 in 3 Americans has seen a PragerU video.
85% of viewers say they reference PragerU videos during ideological discussions.
Through generous annual gifts of $1,000 or more, Donor Club members provide the vital support we need to reach millions of young people, expose them to our ideas, and help them become informed and grateful Americans.
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Gifts via check and phone are gratefully accepted. To donate by phone, call (833) PragerU or 833-772-4378.
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Donating $5 per month (about 17¢ per day) helps PragerU reach 3,000+ people per year with our content!
Additionally, you will receive:
• PragerU bumper sticker
• 5-Minute Video scripts e-book at the end of each year
• Exclusive updates from the PragerU team
Donating $35 per month (about $1 per day) helps PragerU reach 20,000+ people per year with our content!
Additionally, you will receive:
• All the benefits of Club5
• A gratitude box of exclusive PragerU merch 4x per year, shipped right to your door!
• PragerU store discount
Donating $100 per month (or $1,000+ per year) helps PragerU reach 60,000+ people each year with our content!
Additionally, you will receive:
• All the benefits of PragerUnited (if donating monthly)
• Commemorative annual pin
• Dedicated PragerU liaison
• Invitations to exclusive donor events