Mary Grabar
Mary Grabar was born in Slovenia (then part of communist Yugoslavia). Her family fled the communist regime to Rochester, New York where Mary grew up. In 2002 she earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia. In graduate school, Mary witnessed the deliberate destruction of our literary heritage and respect for the West by radical professors and became a dissident to the reigning political correctness and Marxism taking over the humanities.
While teaching as an adjunct instructor (low pay, no benefits, no security), she wrote about the corruption in education—and lost teaching jobs. In 2011, she founded the Dissident Prof Education Project, Inc., dedicated to “resisting the re-education of America.” Mary became a resident fellow at The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization in 2014, where she continued to write about education. One of those topics was the corrosive effect of communist historian Howard Zinn, whose A People’s History of the United States has broken records in sales and adoption for classroom use since its initial publication in 1980.
On August 20, 2019, her book, Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America was published by Regnery.