Brad Wilcox
Brad Wilcox is Director of the National Marriage Project, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia, senior fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, and a member of the James Madison Society at Princeton University. His research focuses on marriage, parenthood, and cohabitation, especially on the ways that marriage, gender, and culture influence the quality and stability of family life in the United States and around the globe. He is the coauthor of Gender and Parenthood: Biological and Social Scientific Perspectives; Whither the Child?: Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility; and Soft Patriarchs, New Men: How Christianity Shapes Fathers and Husbands. Wilcox has published articles on marriage, cohabitation, parenting, and fatherhood in The American Sociological Review, Social Forces, The Journal of Marriage and Family and The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.