PragerU Takes Legal Action Against Google and YouTube

Recently, PragerU filed a lawsuit against video giant YouTube for its systematic censorship of their videos.  YouTube has chosen repeatedly to restrict over 40 PragerU videos for violating their “Community Guidelines.” Those guidelines are meant to protect users against viewing sexual, violent or graphic content.  If you’ve seen any PragerU videos, you know that they contain nothing even remotely close to any of these categories.

Google/YouTube has freely admitted that the videos were reviewed by humans – not an algorithm – and they determined the videos were “not appropriate for a younger audience.” Think about the millions of actually inappropriate videos on YouTube and then ask yourself, why is our content restricted? 
Unfortunately, the answer is all too obvious. YouTube has restricted PragerU videos for one reason only: ideological discrimination.
Can you imagine if the left owned the internet the way it owns our universities? 

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